Naik mendadak siot!! Aku heran knp gomen buat dek ajerr..Students sampai buat petition merayu mintak sekolah ditutop.
Within couple of months, we've hit from zero to a thousand! I salute the government for making these possible.
But yet, I didn't see a strong possibilty that there are concrete measures from the Health Ministry on ways curbing this pandemic, apart from telling to keep ourselves clean.
People still travel, AYG is still going on, shopping centres, night spots are buzzing and reports of new cases were like 30, 40 and last week was the worst! We got 90 in a day! WTF?? Infact, we have successfully breed our home-grown clusters around the island.
Within couple of months, we've hit from zero to a thousand! I salute the government for making these possible.
But yet, I didn't see a strong possibilty that there are concrete measures from the Health Ministry on ways curbing this pandemic, apart from telling to keep ourselves clean.
People still travel, AYG is still going on, shopping centres, night spots are buzzing and reports of new cases were like 30, 40 and last week was the worst! We got 90 in a day! WTF?? Infact, we have successfully breed our home-grown clusters around the island.

I think this time round, Singapore has poorly mismanaged this pandemic crisis putting each and everyone at high risk.
Hmmm..but I guess there are some possible factors why Singapore is doing this. But hey, I know the next election is coming, but risking the urbanites for the sake of the economy is not very wise too.

So, they are not helping us. So each is up to his own.
ps: There are things hidden away from us.
Other related news:
- 52 new H1N1 cases bring total infected in Singapore to 1,055
Soul: Swine Flu (Tumour Circus)