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Eh saper korang suppport for Singapore Idola ah?

Ehhehe...aku akan support si minah pinoy nie! Yes! I'm supporting Sylvia Ratonel!

Semalam aku masok fanpage dia. Wahhh...ader orang buat personal attacks kat dia ahh. Mcm2 rahsia dia bilang. It can be quite damaging for her future career path lah...tsk...tsk...

But, as an artist, this is just the beginning. Not everyone loves you, not everyone is your fan.

Why I think Sylvia should win?

1. Female viewers will vote for Sylvia. If she wins, she will be the FIRST EVER FEMALE Singapore Idol in history.

2. Majority of the guys (like me) will vote for Sylvia. It is natural for boys to be attracted to a pretty girl and will do anything for her.

3. The non-malays will vote for Sylvia. They don't need another malay idol. 2 is enough and 3 is too many.

4. Besides the chinese & the indians communities, the huge pinoy community here will definitely add up to the statistic showing their supports for Sylvia.

5. In Singapore, malay idols have lower commercial values. Another malay idol will result a drop in revenue takings for Mediacorp. Hence, most mediacorp employee will vote for Sylvia, if they want a better bonus next year.

6. The other contestant is a male Singaporean. He will be enlisted for NS soon. There, he will serve at least 2 years full-time. It doesn't make any economic sense for him to win this title.

7. Forget about 'Makcik Power'. Most of the makciks now either tgh shopping kat Jalan Masjid India or baru abes jemputan kahwin bawah blok. So tak ramai makcik-makcik able to watch and vote for the malay contestant.

8. Many malay viewers also not keen to vote for another malay idol. Look what happened to Taufik & Hady? Kesian kan Record Company dia orang rugi pasal takde orang beli album dia orang...

9. The male contestant looks bright and has a good future. He should complete his Diploma and maybe get a Degree after that. Find a good job and build a stable career. I'm sure he won't regret for not winning this contest.

10. Sylvia should win Singapore Idol because...I want her to win! =D

Walopon dia bukan melayu, tapi dia bangga nyanyi lagu melayu. Tapi ader orang melayu, tak suka nyanyi lagu melayu. Dia kater malu ahh... =(

Sylvia Ratonel - Sinaran (OA Sheila Majid)

So, who will you support tomorrow?

On the lighter side of Singapore Idol...

huarhuarhua..lepak sak baca! Read more.

ps: Menyesal aku tak amik gambar dgn Sylvia kat KFC tu hariii...uhuk!

Soul: Mercy (Sylvia Ratonel)
Sepuloh Tin Sardin | TNB