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Mood masih lari...

Actually, aku masih takde mood lagi nie.

Nak buat kejer pon takde mood. Rasa sumer mcm tak kena. Buat tu salah, buat nie salah. Serba-serbi salah....

Kini aku lebih banyak mendiamkan diri. I'm just trying to pull myself back together again. It's tough, I know. But life has to go on....

Too many things being held back. Too many things to reschedule. It's all like going berserk. I don't need a break just yet. All I need is a little privacy.

I hope to be back to myself again in the next couple of days. I don't like what I'm going thru either.

But yeah, it's tough being me.

ps: I'll be back....soon. Don't worry.

Soul: Not Myself (John Mayer)
Sepuloh Tin Sardin | TNB