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RE: Why cannot comment??

Orang tanyer lagi, knp tak bole kasi comment kat aku nyer blog.

"..or at least a shout box apps will do.." dia tanyer aku.

Bukan aku lupa, bukan aku sombong. Tapi, blog aku nie memang disengajakan tak diletakan any comment box.

Blog series aku sumer berkonsepkan monologue. Korang paham tak aper tu monologue??

Aper tu monologue?

" literature and drama, an extended speech by one person. The term has several closely related meanings. A dramatic monologue (q.v.) is any speech of some duration addressed by a character to a second person. A soliloquy (q.v.) is a type of monologue in which a character directly addresses an audience or speaks his thoughts aloud while alone or while the other actors keep silent. In fictional literature, an interior monologue (q.v.) is a type of monologue that exhibits the thoughts, feelings, and associations passing through a character's mind..."

So kira kan mcm aku bobal sorang2 uninterrupted ahh kat sini.

But bukan korang tak bole comment terus. You can always leave watever comments to my email. Musti aku reply nyer.

I hope that answers to your questions. =)

ps: Comment banyak2, tapi kalo tak bernas pon tak guna.

Soul: Monolog Untuk Rina (Junction)
Sepuloh Tin Sardin | TNB