Handphone aku munyik pasal ader org antar sms...
9:23am: Zue Gud morning. How r u?
Lahhh..saper plak sms nie? errr, nak reply tak? sambil tu, aku scroll down contact list aku dlm hp. nampak sah nombor tu tak ader tersimpan dlm hp baru aku nie..
Anw, since dia morning greet aku, so it should only be nice for me to reply with a greeting too.
Aku reply balik secara random pasal aku tak tahu yg sms nie lelaki ke pompan..
9:26am: Good morning to you too! I'm good, thk you. Hope u r doing great too :)
Ermm..aku mengorak langkah strategy utk mengesan saper kah yg message aku nie.
9:34am: Great to hear that! Yterday i dreamt bout u! Saw u at orchard with ur gerl. N happen that the lady i knew, she was my colleague n far too old 4 u. Than i saw u crying soundly. That is y i msg u wonder u ok. tak pernah dreamt bout mac fren.
Perrghhh...aku lost for words kejap sakk! Masih ader jugak mahluk yg tunjuk concern kat aku nih. dah ler mimpi pasal aku, pastu sanggup text msg kat aku tanyer khabar plak...
err...aper sak nak reply balik nih?? aku pikir punyer pikir...then aku pon rreply balik...
9:34am: haha..dreams can be weird sey! anw, thks for ur concern and sending me a msg. Let's see anymore dreams tonite! ;P
Sumpah aku takde clue...aku main whack jek!
So, the question now is, saper kah message aku nie, tapi tak tinggal kan nama??
Pastu Fazlina tweet kat aku: " if it's a woman, it could be a start of a beautiful relationship?"
Huhu Faz, it's not a matter if it's a man or a woman. Yg matter skrang, dia kenal aku, tapi aku tak tahu saper dia...huarrgghhh!
Tadi petang, shahrul kol aku. dia tanyer if aku skrg kat Tampines dgn sorang minah jamboo? Eheheh...sori bro, salah orang dah! Aku kat Woodlands Drive 50 tadi...
Kenapa hari nie banyak orang teringat kan aku ek? Weird seyy...
Another related encounter: http://10tinsardin.blogspot.com/2010/01/saper-sak-dekni.html
ps: Pada sesiapa yg nak antar message kat aku, it wud be nice if you could leave ur nama after ur text message. Thank you for your co-operation and have a nice day.
Soul: Sweet Dreams (Marilyn Manson)