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Joe Jambul...

Joe Jambul - eh, mcm muka aku ke nih??

Tu hari ader seseorang yg aku baru kenal kat Twitter nie tanyer aku, kalo aku sudi dilukis oleh dia.

Aper yg akan dilakukan ialah, dia akan mengambarkan wajah aku secara 'batin' (spiritual) dan dari situ juga, dia bole menerangkan ciri-ciri peribadi diri aku serba sedikit.

So, dia mintak ler nama aku dan birth date aku. Pastu dia mintak email aku, supaya dia dapat hantar drawing apabila siap. So, for the fun of it, aku kasi ler kat dia....

4 hari kemudian dia bilang aku, lukisan muka aku dah siap. Dia tweet aku to check my email box.

Hi Zue,

Thank you for your trust. You were my 4th Twitter Drawing of The Day. To me it really was a pleasure to draw you, for when I draw I feel =)

What I felt was this: You are a strong personality, knowing what you want and going there without real inner doubts. You like to be seen by others and they do, for your inner light shines throughout your body and it attracts people.

You have leadership qualities inside and people around you look up at you. You are a great example for weak people, looking at you and the way you live your life, will make them stronger. Your inner being has a great happiness inside, I really had to laugh when I was drawing you, for your inner being wanted me to draw your hair perfect, loves jewelry and it wanted to look great!

I will upload your drawing with your Twitter name to my website (no costs, just want to have beautiful inner beings thereJ) If you don’t want to have your drawing there, let me know and I’ll cancel it, no problem! If you ever intend to upload your drawing as a Twitter Image, let me know, for I’ve just created a new Twitter list @EzihAlive/Spiritual-Drawings only for uploaded Spiritual Drawings of Twitters and it would be great to have you as a member.

Zue, I really hope you like the drawing, it is FREE. If your heart feels like it, you are welcome to make a donation at my PayPal account , but don’t feel obliged, because although I like money ;-), drawing YOU, was already a great pleasure to me. Thanks!

Zue, thank you for your trust, know that you are always Welcome to order more Spiritual Drawings (of yourself, your friends, pets, neighbors, clients, employers, employees, colleagues or family :).



Lepakss sakk tengok muka aku! Rambut ader jambul seyyy! Muaaahhaahahahaa... =D

Dia pon ader sent aku link :

ps: Sebenarnya, aku tak amik port pon.. Aper yg menarik ialah, cara dia menggunakan twitter as the marketing tool to reach out to the world.

Soul: The Seed (Sounds of Isha)
Sepuloh Tin Sardin | TNB