#300: The Trilogy Ends
Oopss!! dah abes dahh...
Sepuloh Tin Sardin dah pun sampai ke entry yang terakhir nie ='(
Aku benor2 berharap ler semua telah terhibur dgn aper jua aku share di dalam blog-blog series aku, sejak zaman blog Cencalok sampai ler ke sekarang nie....
Begitu jugak aku, yang telah sama2 terhibur membaca blog-blog korang dan juga comment2 korang sumer. =)
Aper jugak cerita yang baik, kiter jadi kan tauladan. Dan aper juga cerita yg TAK baik, kiter jadi kan sempadan, ye...
Terimakasih daun keladi...
Jutaan timakasih kepada peminat2 dan pembaca2 setia blog-blog aku sepanjang 3 tahun dulu...
Anggap ler kehadiran aku di alam cyber ini sekadar utk menghiburkan hati korang sumer. Jgn ler amik serious sangat kalo coretan2 aku tu terlampao pedas utk dikunyah dan ditelan.
Terimakasih juga kepada mereka2 yg telah sudi berkongsi cerita2 utk aku paparkan dalam blog-blog aku nih. Kerana cerita2 korang sumer tu ler yg telah menjadi rencah dan rempah ratus di dalam blog2 aku tu sumer.
Dimaklumkan, tiada kesinambungan akan di buat selepas blog ini dlm jangka masa yang agak panjang. Aku akan berehat seketika utk menumpukan perhatian kepada perkara2 yg lebih penting dlm hidop.
Walopon ader yg memujuk rayu supaya aku sambung buat blog lagi, tapi aku rasa cukop ler sampai disini buat seketika. (pasal aku dah betol2 ke tandusan idea lerr...)
Aku takot, kalo dah selalu sangat makan lauk sardin, ader plak yg terasa muak, lalu termuntah hijao nanti. Jadi kena tukar2 selera jugak ler... kehehehe..
Thank you
Penghargaan tak terhingga utk blogger.com yg telah menjadi bloghost utama utk blog2 bersiri aku ini secara FREE. (aku tak payah bayar satu sen pon!)
My deepest appreciation to blogger.com for hosting my entire blog series and it has been DA' BEST bloghost I've experienced, by far.
Last skali, terimakasih kepada anda yang telah sudi berkunjung ke blog ini dan semoga aper yg aku curahkan disini telah dapat menjadi satu inspirasi, pengajaran dan pedoman untuk kiter sumer.
Salam perpisahan...
Doakan kesejahteraan dan kesihatan aku, semoga kiter dapat bersua kembali di lain waktu dan di dalam blog-blog aku yang lain.
Sebelom aku tamat kan entry terakhir ini, aku memohon ampun dan maaf ler kalo terkasar bahasa atau tersilap tutur cara disini.
Sehingga dari itu, jaga ler diri korang baik2 dan sentiasa bersikap positive di dlm aper jua rintangan hidop yg kiter lalui.
Wishing you guys all the best...bye.~
Sepuloh Tin Sardin
ps: Aku nak rehat kejap lerr and take a break from crappy blogging. =)
#299: Berpindah minda
Aku akan berpindah! YAY!!
Adehhhh....adehhh...aper lah yg seronoknyer pindah umah nie ek?
Bersepah umah aku dgn kotak2 yg bertenggek kat hall, kat bilik, kat dapor...
Yang leceh sangat2, biler ko dah pack barang2 masok dlm kotak, skali ko nak carik balik sluar dlm lah, nak carik buku bank lah, nak carik CD lah...abes tu kena selongkar balik sumer!....Isshhhhh
Nie skrg tgh pening pasal schedule nak pindah plak. Aku malas betol kalo pindah time2 posa nie. Takot meletih kan sangat derrr...
At least kalo pindah sblm posa, dpt jugak settle down pelan2 kat umah baru, ye tak? At least, time raya dah tak berserak sangat kan. Kalo tamu dtg time raya pon, umah nampak cantik berseri2...ehehehe!
Tapi tu ahh, sedih plak nak tinggalkan umah lama nie. But we need changes in life. Hopefully, good things will come and its always exciting anticipating the future.
Mudah-mudahan dgn keizinan Tuhan, tahun nie aku beraya di rumah baru plak. YAY!!!
ps: Goodbye sweet abode. ='(
Soul: Berpindah minda (Lovehunters)
#298: Written by YOU
Pretty confused about some of your statuses. First you tell the whole world how sucky he is, then you tell the whole world how sweet he is, and how much you love him cos of what he did for you today. From the way I see it, you think the relationship is all about you, and how you feel, and how much you've given up for him? C'mon, grow up. Guys have feelings too. We just don't show it very well..................
You're still disappointing. Can you please stop POKING ME!!! KFC should fuck the wing off. Nasi Lemak galore yummeh !! I love everything about Nasi Lemak. I miss you bad....ii love boys & ii love checkin out hot girls ..I WANNA GO HOME!!!!!!
I'd like to product a tv game show similar to Yo Mama called "mak kau peh gemok.." Anak sungai lagikan berubah, inikan pula anak cucu...
Fully charged wif MILA...apron on...get set for BAKING!!! I can smell something burning...head is spinning too many things to handle...ARRRGHHH
What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything? carrying heavy junks!! ?@.!。:~^”#!! I'm trying not to let sensitivity affects me... Move on & Stay strong!! :)
If you're in LIGHT shoes, constantly being pushed to corners & being victimized by the person you love most, what would you do? hates monthly cramps! Urghhhh.
ps: This happens when you read fB statuses by frens at one go. You'll get hell of a story! :D :D :D
Soul: I Gotta Feeling (Black Eyed Peas)
#297: Resepi Sontong Masak Asam World Cup!
Sotong suka tengok World Cup. Hari-hari sotong tengok World Cup!
Telah termaktub dlm sejarah akhirnya pasukan Sepanyol berjaya menjadi pasukan yang terhebat dan terunggul di dunia!
Syabas juga kepada sotong Paul kerana akan menjadi Sotong Masak Asam tak lama lagi.
Untuk meraihkan kemenangan itu, aper kater besok kiter sumer ramai2 masak sotong...
Sotong Masak Asam
625 ml air
3 camca besar air asam jawa
1 ½ cm belacan
1 camca besar garam
1 camca teh gula pasir
3 keping asam gelugur 12 biji bawang merah, dihiris halus
2 batang serai, diketuk
5 biji cili merah, dibelah tengah (jangan hingga putus)
1 ekor sotong world cup yg bernama, Paul! hahaha...
Satukan air bersama air asam jawa, belacan, garam, gula pasir, asam gelugur, bawang merah dan serai di dalam periuk dan jerang di atas api sederhana. Biar hingga ia mendidih. Masukkan cili merah bersama cili hijau, biar ia 10 minit. Masukkan sotong, biar hingga ia masak.
Source: http://resepi.mesra.net/Detailed/1357.shtml
Thks to all football kakis for the amazing World Cup time we had! Let's gather again for World Cup 2014 Brazil! Thank you, frens! =D
From Nora's fB: "And so we've got another surprise!! Nice momentos of Teddy from Zue!! So cute!! Thanks alott!!"
ps: World Cup dah abes. Nak telek ape plak lepas nie??
Sotong Paul yg memilih Sepanyol utk menjadi juara sebelom perlawanan akhir diantara Belanda & Sepanyol bermula. Aper yg membuat ianya menjadi misteri, Sepanyol benar2 menjadi juara!
Telah termaktub dlm sejarah akhirnya pasukan Sepanyol berjaya menjadi pasukan yang terhebat dan terunggul di dunia!
Juara Dunia - Sepanyol
Syabas juga kepada sotong Paul kerana akan menjadi Sotong Masak Asam tak lama lagi.
Untuk meraihkan kemenangan itu, aper kater besok kiter sumer ramai2 masak sotong...
Sotong Masak Asam
625 ml air
3 camca besar air asam jawa
1 ½ cm belacan
1 camca besar garam
1 camca teh gula pasir
3 keping asam gelugur 12 biji bawang merah, dihiris halus
2 batang serai, diketuk
5 biji cili merah, dibelah tengah (jangan hingga putus)
1 ekor sotong world cup yg bernama, Paul! hahaha...
Satukan air bersama air asam jawa, belacan, garam, gula pasir, asam gelugur, bawang merah dan serai di dalam periuk dan jerang di atas api sederhana. Biar hingga ia mendidih. Masukkan cili merah bersama cili hijau, biar ia 10 minit. Masukkan sotong, biar hingga ia masak.
Source: http://resepi.mesra.net/Detailed/1357.shtml
Thks to all football kakis for the amazing World Cup time we had! Let's gather again for World Cup 2014 Brazil! Thank you, frens! =D
From Nora's fB: "And so we've got another surprise!! Nice momentos of Teddy from Zue!! So cute!! Thanks alott!!"
ps: World Cup dah abes. Nak telek ape plak lepas nie??
Soul: World Cup Song 2010 (Natalie Buntting)
sotong masak asam,
World Cup 2010

#296: Blurr like sotong?? Think again...
Paul Sotong is a saint!
Germans despair as 'psychic' octopus plumps for Spain
Todayonline - Wednesday, 7 July 2010,.
"...Paul tipped Spain to beat Germany in the football World Cup semi-final..."
Read more >> http://www.todayonline.com/WorldCup/EDC100707-0000090/Germans-despair-as-psychic-octopus-plumps-for-Spain
After the semi-final game, its Germany 0 - Spain 1
Is it by chance OR this sotong knows it all??
ps: This World Cup has created too many history....
Soul: Ab nach Afrika (Charon Exkadi)
Team Germany,
World Cup 2010

#295: 3964 = World Cup Winner

Mathematics plays an important part - in history, physics, georgraphy, economics, business and our everyday life.
SO is math, in sports, such as the World Cup! An interesting finding when math fomula is translated to predict the next World Cup winner!
3964 = World Cup Winner
Proof lesson 1:
Argentina won the World Cup in 1978 & 1986.
1978 + 1986 = 3964
Proof lesson 2:
Brazil won the World Cup in 1970 & 1994.
1978 + 1994 = 3964
Proof lesson 3:
Brazil won the World Cup in 1962 & 2002.
1962 + 2002 = 3964
Proof lesson 4:
Germany won the World Cup in 1974 & 1990.
1974 + 1990 = 3964
So who will win the World Cup 2010 this year??
3964 - 2010 = 1954
World Cup 1954 was won by Germany.
Therefore, this year's champion will be none other than Germany.
This mathematical fomula came before the World Cup 2010 started. At that point, Germany was an unknown team.
"You have expectations of yourself but sometimes it is easier to come in without people expecting a lot of you." - Thomas MUELLER, Germany's Midfielder.
ps: Tak payah pakai bomoh telek...pakai calculator jer..ehehe
Soul: Feel The Spirit (RumbarGirls)
#294: Against All Odds
Germany 4 - Argentina 0
They came as the least favourite in the World Cup. They have no superstar players to boast for. They brought in the youngest team ever in their World Cup history. Young and inexperience. Only with sheer determination, passion and discipline, to compete in this World Cup.
Despite the odds, they have taught something to England and Argentina teams....to be humble, the next time.
Team Germany marches to the semis! YAY!!!
ps: Before, they were the underdogs. But not anymore....
The unknown faces that crushed Argentina's hope.
Take a closer look at them now.
Despite the odds, they have taught something to England and Argentina teams....to be humble, the next time.
Germany's all 4 goals highligts
Team Germany marches to the semis! YAY!!!
ps: Before, they were the underdogs. But not anymore....
Soul: Against All Odds (Phil Collins)
#293: Mesut Ozil
Korang kenal Mesut Ozil?? Ntahh..aku pon tak kenal saper mamat nie sblom World Cup nie bermula.
Dia tak sepopular Cristiano Ronaldo. Dekni bukan superstar seperti Messi....tapi, aku bole bet nama dia akan naik mengharum selepas Piala Dunia 2010 ini. Siapakah beliau?
Dia adalah satu-satunya pemain dalam squad Piala Dunia Germany yg beragama Islam. Seorang pemain sayap kiri yg hebat. Diantara yg terbaik yg pernah aku saksikan selepas Ryan Giggs.
Mesut Ozil, pemain muda yg mempunyai harapan yg amat-amat cerah. Tak percaya kah?? Ko tunggu jer...
ps: Apart from Argentina, Team Germany has been very promising. It will be a waste not to see them playing in the final.
Dia tak sepopular Cristiano Ronaldo. Dekni bukan superstar seperti Messi....tapi, aku bole bet nama dia akan naik mengharum selepas Piala Dunia 2010 ini. Siapakah beliau?
Mesut Ozil
Dia adalah satu-satunya pemain dalam squad Piala Dunia Germany yg beragama Islam. Seorang pemain sayap kiri yg hebat. Diantara yg terbaik yg pernah aku saksikan selepas Ryan Giggs.
Mesut Ozil, pemain muda yg mempunyai harapan yg amat-amat cerah. Tak percaya kah?? Ko tunggu jer...
ps: Apart from Argentina, Team Germany has been very promising. It will be a waste not to see them playing in the final.
Soul: Gimme hope, Joachim (Basta)
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