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Miss Condom 2010!

Ris Low gives up crown to sell condoms!

Ris Low was crowned Miss Singapore World 2009 on 31 July, 2009. She stepped down on 29 September, 2009.

In addition to winning the crown, Low was also named the following:

1. Miss Community Ambassadress 2009,
2. Miss Lumiere Ambassadress 2009,
3. Miss Best Dressed 2009,
4. Miss Dazzling Eyes 2009,
5. Miss Photogenic 2009,
6. Miss Crowning Glory 2009,
7. Miss Best in Catwalk 2009,


8. Miss Condom 2010!

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ps: I want to suggest a tag line : Espire Condom: Ris(k) Low, High Desire. =P

Soul: Miss Singapore 2009 - Miss Ris Low
Sepuloh Tin Sardin | TNB