Indah khabar dari rupa.
"We need foreign talents to bring us to greater heights..."
Dulu masa nak lancar foreign talent scheme nie, ramai orang sorak-sorak happy. Makcik2 & pakcik2 sumer happy giler dan sokong habis-habisan. Sumer mengharap agar masa depan mereka akan menjadi lebih cerah dan hidop akan lebih terjamin!
But then, we forgot to read between the lines. We made a mistake. Makcik2 & pakcik2 yg dulu sorak-sorak happy, sekarang kena line up and submit nama mereka kat CDC pasal dah takde kejer lagi untuk mereka.
Tempat mereka utk mencari sesuap nasi kini telah digantikan dgn 'foreign talents' ygtaktalentedtapigajimurahpunyapasal.
In the economy arena, we are hoping to see more foreign executives, professionals, scientists, professors, doctors to come and share their expertise.
To come and recreate the new economy. To come and breed more local talents. To come and explore the emerging market...BUT...nothing was true. Have we not been manipulated?
Not much was seen. The so called 'talents' are nothing better than our local talents that we already have. Infact, some talents are no different or far more worst than any of our local counterparts. So, where are all the great talents?
After 10 years, foreign talents nie dok menghabis kan beras ajer. They took away our homes. Houses are more expensives then before due to the lack of supply and more demand. Lower and middle class citizens, are forced to take home lower wages with reason being for - "$alary competitivene$$" to justify the cause.
Our work, our homeland are being infested. We are like strangers in our own country. We see so many unfamiliar faces. We don feel at home anymore. When your home is no more your home, then why must such question of loyalty emerge?
In sports, the leaders once bragged about the indispensable reputation these talents will bring us. The glory we will attain, that once we can only brave to dream. The achievements that will set us on par with the rest of the world. But only to realise, its still only a dream.
"One of them was Terry Tan, who would become deputy president of the Singapore Table Tennis Association. I believe he was the person responsible for bringing in the first China-born talent to Singapore." - Article: Sorry, foreign talent is still the way to go (Today Paper, 24 Nov 2009)
I also had my view on this before: Between The Two Olympic Medals
"We even recruited many foreign talents to achieve this goal. However, we have since failed to get anywhere close to this, and the goalposts have been moved. How did this happen?" - Article: How to save football (Today, 24 Nov 2009)
The strategy went wrong. We have overlooked. We have been manipulated in the expense of our careers, families, homes and livelihood. In other words, we felt cheated.
Ok..ok...I do agree that we still need foreign players in certain areas. Infact, I have listed a few professions that desperately need the midas touch of foreign talents.
We need foreign talent for...
Beauty Pageants
We have never ever had a beauty queen that we can really be proud of. I give my blessings on this one. BOOMZ!
We need foreign talent for...
F1 Driver
Ooohhh...this will be a BIG boost for our sporting industry, if Hamilton is willing to fly our flag. We have F1 home circuit. But this home has no owner.
We do not have any local talent to contend on this one! Name me one local F1 driver lah? Sadly, we have none.
We need foreign talent for...
Nobel Prize Winner
Infact, non of our great politicians are being nominated, despite being in politics for years and years. Obama won within less than a year after being elected.
We are a small state with limited resources. So too is Israel. But Israel has produced 9 winners. We have none.
We need foreign talent for...
The New Prime Minster
We have yet to find a successor for our next PM?! Why not get a foreign talent too!
Since we want so much to duplicate a 'Swiss Standard' kind of living, why not import our new PM from Switzerland. Better still, if we could overhauled the whole legislative council and bring in new ministers at every level from Switzerland too! Then, we are half way reaching our goal.
Infact, their salary wages are far more cheaper than our existing ones. We will be able to save tax payers money and build Disneyland here. With that we can actually generate more revenues, provide jobs, attract more tourists and I can watch Upin & Ipin closer anytime I want! haha...
ps: i still think the foreign talent scheme needs major improvement. Now its killing us more than ever. Think about it.
Soul: Superman (The Lucky Laki )